8. Bagaimana hubungan antara kebutuhan dasar manusia, kondisi lingkungan dan
pengelolaan bahan kimia?
Kebutuhan dasar manusia yang
beraneka ragam dan tak pernah habis, akan menciptakan inovasi – inovasi baru
yang sangat membantu dalam memenuhi tingginya kebutuhan manusia saat ini.
Namun, di sisi lain, kemudahan yang manfaatnya dirasakan saat ini, akan
menimbulkan dampak kerusakan yg cukup signifikan di masa yang akan datang.
Dalam hal ini, saya mengambil contoh penggunaan DDT. Krisis pangan yang pernah
terjadi di dunia, dengan tingkat hasil pertanian yg rendah, dan berkembangnya
penyakit menular oleh serangga, telah membuat manusia begitu terkesan dalam
memanfaatkan DDT sebagai solusi dalam menghadapi masalah yang terjadi saat itu.
Siapa yg menyangka bahwa dalam beberapa tahun kemudian, DDT telah menimbulkan
banyak kerugian serta kerusakan pada lingkungan dan ekosistemnya. Tentunya
kejadian ini tidak ingin terulang kembali, mengingat banyaknya lingkungan yg
juga telah rusak akibat ulah manusia sendiri. Sehingga pengelolaan bahan kimia
perlu diberikan perhatian lebih, karena eksistensi manusia sangat bergantung
pada lingkungannya.
8. What is the relationship between basic human needs, environmental conditions and management of chemicals?
Basic human needs are diverse and endless, will create innovation - innovation that greatly assist in meeting human needs high current. However, on the other hand, the benefits perceived ease this time, which will cause significant damage in the future. In this case, I take the example of the use of DDT. The food crisis that has ever happened in the world, with the result that agriculture is low, and the development of infectious diseases by insects, have made humans so impressed in the use of DDT as a solution to the problem that occurred at that time. Who thought that a few years later, DDT has caused a lot of harm and damage to the environment and ecosystem. Of course, this incident does not want to happen again, considering the environment which have also been damaged due to human activity alone. So the management of chemicals need to be given more attention, because human existence is very dependent on the environment.
Basic human needs are diverse and endless, will create innovation - innovation that greatly assist in meeting human needs high current. However, on the other hand, the benefits perceived ease this time, which will cause significant damage in the future. In this case, I take the example of the use of DDT. The food crisis that has ever happened in the world, with the result that agriculture is low, and the development of infectious diseases by insects, have made humans so impressed in the use of DDT as a solution to the problem that occurred at that time. Who thought that a few years later, DDT has caused a lot of harm and damage to the environment and ecosystem. Of course, this incident does not want to happen again, considering the environment which have also been damaged due to human activity alone. So the management of chemicals need to be given more attention, because human existence is very dependent on the environment.
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